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 The Instrument Innovation for Simultaneous

Laser Ablation & LIBS

A Different Approach

Measure all the elements in a few seconds with little or no sample preparation using
Laser Ablation and LIBS.

The Instrument Innovation for Simultaneous Laser Ablation and LIBS
Analyse All the Elements Across a Wide Range of Concentrations
J200 Tandem LA-LIBS

Application Notes

Analysis of Contaminated Plant Leaves Using J200 Tandem LA-LIBS Instrument 

Plants have the ability to extract elements from their environment (soil, water, air); the distribution of essential elements and/or toxic elements in plants provides critical information on metal uptake and accumulation. Detailed
spatial analysis (2D and 3D) of these elements within the plant structure (root, stem, leaf, and/or flower) can be used to determine available nutrient content, potential health effects from essential and toxic elements, and
even environmental conditions like climate change and

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Elemental Mapping of Printed Ink Using the J200 Tandem LA – LIBS Instrument In Combination
with ICP-MS 

The J200 Tandem LA – LIBS instrument from Applied Spectra, Inc. provides the unique capability of combining the analytical benefits of both LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) and LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). Specifically, LIBS provides greater elemental coverage from H – Pu, including elements
that are difficult or impossible by conventional ICP-MS instrument such as non-metals (e.g. H, N, O), and halogens (e.g. F). When coupled with a sensitive ICP-MS instrument, the J200 Tandem can perform quantitative and qualitative measurements focusing on trace level elements and their isotopic ratio analyses. This instrument, in combination with an ICP-MS, expands the dynamic range of analysis from ppb (or the absolute detection limits of the ICPMS), to % levels with LIBS.

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Innovative Elemental Mapping of Geological Minerals with Applied Spectra’s J200 Tandem LA-LIBS

The J200 Tandem LA – LIBS instrument from Applied Spectra, Inc.provides the unique capability of combining the analytical benefits of both LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) and LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). Specifically, LIBS can be used for the analysis of H – Pu, which includes non-metals such as H, N, O, and halogens that are difficult or impossible to analyze by a conventional ICP-MS instrument. When coupled with a sensitive ICP-MS instrument, the J200 can perform LAICP-MS measurements focusing on trace elemental and isotopic ratio compositions.

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Dr. Barbara Wagner

Dr Wagner is the head of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Archemoetric Research at the University of Warsaw. The research group deals with physicochemical research on ancient objects in close cooperation with archeologists, art historians and art restorers. The main volume of research concentrates on the development of application potential of laser based measuring systems using inductively coupled plasma and laser micro-sampling.


About our Company

At the Forefront of Elemental Chemical Analysis

Applied Spectra, Inc. is the leader in laser ablation-based elemental analysis. Our world-class scientific and engineering teams have developed a suite of analytical instruments to simplify the process of elemental analysis.

Let the Laser do the sampling.

Laser sampling delivers rapid, accurate and high precision results that are environmentally friendly – a compelling value proposition over acid dissolution methods which are time consuming and generate chemical waste products.

Transforming Laser Technology

Applied Spectra delivers products based on two analytical technologies: LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) and LA-ICP-MS ( Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry).

Corporate Background

Applied Spectra Inc. was founded in 2004 by Dr. Richard E. Russo at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. As a pioneer in R&D of laser ablation for chemical analysis, Dr Russo advanced LA-ICP-MS and LIBS for 32 plus years with 60+ million dollar funding support and more than 300 manuscripts. Based on in-depth knowledge of laser ablation and technology from his Berkeley research, Applied Spectra began its operation as the technology spin-off company to commercialize laser ablation instruments.

Today, Applied Spectra is the leading manufacturer of state-of-the art LIBS and LA instruments. Our company is proud to have the largest installed base of commercial benchtop LIBS instruments in the world. Applied Spectra developed the first commercially successful femtosecond LA instrument based on Ytterbium diode pumped technology. We developed the innovative and powerful Tandem LA-LIBS instrument to combine LIBS and LA-ICP-MS capabilities into one platform. Our customer base is global with instrument distribution in over 55 countries. 

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